Family CSA:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the Green Market CSA?

The Green Market Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farmer-support program. Its mission is to connect families, friends and individuals to a collective of small-scale farmers and garden growers belonging to the Green Market. It supports the global slow food and farm to table movement. It encourages the consumption of local, fresh produce grown with good agricultural practices.

If interested or for more information, contact us at or at 221-9116.

2. Why should you join a CSA?

Buy Local
• Your support helps small local farms stay afloat.

Eat Well
• Buy the freshest food for your home
• Explore new foods and learn to cook with them.
• Preserve cultural food heritage in using local ingredients that have been lost.

Be Healthy
Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and spices.
• Share healthy eating habits with your kids. Expose them early to a variety of local produce.

Protect the Environment
• Support farmers who take care of their land by growing food in ways that take care of the soil.
• Cut down on the number of miles your food travels from the farm to your plate.

3. What kind of agricultural practices do we encourage?

We encourage good agricultural practices that grow food without the use of synthetic chemicals in the form of fungicide, herbicide and/or fertilizer. We encourage farmers and growers to nourish the soil, grow different varieties, conserve water and energy while being mindful where their seed comes from, the history of their land and their connection with other organisms and each other. Due to the collective group of farmers, we seek to include rather than exclude farmers who may not fall in the category, in order to collaborate on feeding families.

5. What kind of produce comes in the basket?

Our produce is local, fresh, colourful and seasonal. On average, the weekly basket/ farm share will include at least 6 varieties of vegetables, 4 varieties of fruits with herbs and spices. However, this can change based on what is coming off the land. To see past produce we've included or to demand new produce be included, click the Basket Produce button.

6. How does the waiting list work?

Due to limited supply, we are limited to the number of subscriptions we can offer at this time. We add those that express interest via market day, email or Facebook to a waiting list where they are contacted once there is an opening. As the program grows, so will the supply of produce grown in more sustainable methods.

7. Are their other CSA’s in Trinidad?

The Green Market CSA is friends with Brasso Secco CSA, the only other CSA in the country. The difference is that the Brasso Secco CSA is supplied by one community and is all organic, delivered twice a month to Woodbrook.